Freemans Bay Primary School Take a Sustainability Tour around viaduct harbour

Freemans Bay Primary School Take a Sustainability Tour around viaduct harbour

We partnered up with our neighbours at Harbour Grounds to present an audio-based Sustainability Tour for Freemans Bay Primary

We partnered up with our neighbors at Harbour Grounds to present an audio-based Sustainability Tour for Freemans Bay Primary. The tour, led by Papaya Stories, kicked-off at Harbour Grounds where the kids learnt about the beehives that live on the Air New Zealand rooftop. The children then visited the worm farm inside the Microsoft House Building where they were quizzed on their worm farm knowledge in exchange for spot prizes. With plenty of dancing and fun along the way, the tour concluded at the Viaduct Harbour seabins where our Marina Manager, Sarah, explained how the seabins work, how much rubbish they collect, and together came up with ways of reducing plastic usage. Everyone went home with a smile on their face and a goodie bag filled with sustainable treats, including native seedlings from the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei nursery. 

Photography by Annu Pam.